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Press Release for 2-29-2020 to 3-06-2020

Ste. Genevieve County Sheriff's Office Press Release Press Release for 2-29-2020 to 3-06-2020    

Arrested Person: 16  (The individuals listed below have been formally charged all other individuals cannot be listed at this time)

Alarm Activation: 1

Animal Control: 11

Assault: 1

Assist Other Agency: 4

Brush Fire:


Careless and Imprudent: 2

Check Well Being: 5

Disturbance:  4

Domestic Violence: 2

Fraud: 5

Hang Up Call (911): 2


Missing Juvenile:

Keep the Peace:

Missing Persons:

Motorist Assist: 9

Motor Vehicle Accident: 10

Peace Disturbance: 3

Property Damage: 1

Residential Fire:


Shots Fired: 2

Suspicious Person/Situation: 10

Threats: 1

Theft: 8

Traffic Hazard: 3

Trespassing: 3


Vehicle Fire: 1


Arrested Person

Murdoch, Shanna Elizabeth W/F DOB: 11/04/1985 of Ste. Genevieve MO was arrested on a Warrant though Jefferson County on the charge of Driving While Suspended.  Bond was set at $500.00 cash only.


Arrested Person

Mardini, Angela Renee W/F DOB: 12/27/1969 of Farmington MO was arrested on a Failure to Appear Warrant through Farmington Police Department on the original charge of Failure to show proof of insurance.  Bond was set at $153.00 cash only.

Arrested Person

Reibe, Kyle Nicholas Patrick W/M DOB: 9/21/1992 of French Village MO was arrested on a Failure to Appear Warrant through Ste. Genevieve County on the original charges of Operated Motor Vehicle without a Valid License and Exceeded Posted Speed Limit.  Bond was set at $222.50.

Arrested Person

Thompson, Sabrina Caroline W/F DOB: 10/21/1994 of Bloomsdale MO was arrested on a Failure to Appear Warrant through Crystal City Police Department on the original charge of Stealing under $500.  Bond was set at $674.50 cash only.

Arrested Person

McClain, Deborah Ann W/F DOB: 11/05/1969 of Park Hills MO was arrested on a Warrant through Lafayette County Sheriff's Office on the charge of Neglect of a Child.  Bond was set at $3,000.00 cash only.

Arrested Person

Hunt, Bryan A. W/M DOB: 9/06/1996 of Ste. Genevieve MO was arrested on a Warrant through Ste. Genevieve County on the charge of Burglary-2nd Degree.  Bond was set at $2,500.00 cash or surety.

Arrested Person

Smith, Brian Russell W/M DOB: 9/12/1982 of Pevely MO was arrested on a Failure to Appear Warrant through Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.  Bond was set at $10,000.00 surety only.


Arrested Person

Miller, Mason Lee W/M DOB: 12/28/1999 of Park Hills MO was arrested on a Probation Violation Warrant on the original charge of Child Molestation-4th degree.  Bond was set at $200,000.  No 10% allowed, surety is allowed.


Arrested Person

Drinkard, Gregory Delane W/M DOB: 5/07/1973 of Arab AL was arrested on a Warrant through Ste. Genevieve County on the following charges: 3 counts of Tampering with a Motor Vehicle-1st Degree, and Receiving Stolen Property.  Bond was set at $10,000.00 cash or surety, NO 10% allowed.


Feb. 29, 2020

Deputies were called to the 8000 block of South Dr. to assist EMS with a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the 6000 block of Highway 61 for a disturbance.

Deputies were called to the 8000 block of Dungan Dr. to assist EMS with a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the 10000 block of Blackberry Hills for trespassing.

Deputies were called to the area of Byrd Lane and Highway 32 for a motor vehicle accident.

Deputies were called to the 19000 block of State Route EE to assist EMS with a person at this location.

Mar. 1, 2020

Deputies were called to the 700 block of Highway 61 to check the well-being.

Deputies were called to the 6000 block of State Route Y to assist EMS with a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the 11000 block of State Route M for animal control.

Deputies were called to the 10000 block of Kimmel Lake Rd. for an alarm.

Deputies were called to mile marker 153 for motorist assist.

Deputies were called to the 10000 block of Highway 61 for a 911 hang-up call.

Deputies were called to the 10 block of Hillside Dr. for a domestic disturbance.

Deputies were called to the area of Highway 32 and State Route C for a careless driver.

Deputies were called to the area of Bloom Rd. and State Route F for motorist assist.

Mar. 2, 2020

Deputies were called to the area of Goldenrod Lane and Hematite Dr. for a peace disturbance.

Deputies were called to the 17000 block of McCord Rd. for animal control.

Deputies were called to the 8000 block of South Dr. to check the well-being.

Deputies were called to the area of McCord Rd. for animal control.

Deputies were called to the area of State Route OO and Highway 61 for theft.

Deputies were called to the 200 block of Mill Hill Rd. to assist a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the 12000 block of Village Dr. for a peace disturbance.

Deputies were called to the 12000 block of Village Dr. for animal control.

Deputies were called to the 22000 block of Gordon Rd. for a road hazard.

Deputies were called to the 14000 block of Highway 32 for a theft.

Deputies were called to the 18000 block of Miller Switch Rd. for found property.

Mar. 3, 2020

Deputies were called to the area of State Route O and Highway 32 for animal control.

Deputies were called to the 8000 block of Lasata Lane for trespassing.

Deputies were called to mile marker 154 for a road hazard.

Deputies were called to the 21000 block of KSGM Dr. to assist another agency.

Deputies were called to the 200 block of Seraphin for animal control.

Deputies were called to the 18000 block of Miller Switch Rd. for a theft.

Deputies were called to the 5000 block of Singles Lane for trespassing.

Deputies were called to mile marker 156 for motorist assist.

Mar. 4, 2020

Deputies were call to the 14000 block of Leroy Dr. for a theft.

Deputies were called to the 18000 block of Miller Switch Rd. to assist another agency.

Deputies were called to the 5000 block of Terry Lee Dr. for suspicious activity.

Deputies were called to the 18000 block of Miller Switch Rd. for a theft.

Deputies were called to the 19000 block of State Route EE to assist a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the 20000 block of Kiefer Lane for a suspicious vehicle.

Deputies were called to the 200 block of Seraphin for a domestic disturbance.

Mar. 5, 2020

Deputies were called to the 25000 block of New Bourbon Port Rd. for property damage.

Deputies were called to the 9000 block of Highway 61 for a motor vehicle accident.

Deputies were called to the 12000 block of Highway 32 for a vehicle fire.

Deputies were called to mile marker 148 for motorist assist.

Deputies were called to the 19000 block of Minnith Rd. to assist EMS with a person at this location.

Deputies were called to the area of Little Rock Rd. and Matthews Dr. to check the well-being.

Deputies were called to the area of 1 mile north of St. Mary for a road hazard.

Deputies were called to the 800 block of Ste. Genevieve Dr. for an assault.

Deputies were called to the 16000 block of New Bremen Rd. to assist a person at this location.

Mar. 6, 2020

Deputies were called to the 19000 block of State Route EE to assist EMS with a fire alarm at this location.

Deputies were called to the area of Highway 61 and Cotton Woods Rd. for animal control.

Deputies were called to the area of Highway 32 and State Route AA for a motor vehicle accident.

Deputies were called to mile marker 145 for a motor vehicle accident.

Deputies were called to the 10000 block of Highway 32 for motorist assist.

Deputies were called to the area of Highway 61 and State Route O for a motor vehicle accident.

Deputies were called to the 13000 block of Lakewood Dr. for a suspicious activity.

Deputies were called to the 13000 block of Apache Point Dr. for a disturbance.

Deputies were called to the 21000 block of Mill Creek Rd. for shots fired.

Deputies were called to the 10000 block of Highway 32 for motorist assist.

Deputies were called to mile marker 154 for motorist assist.

Deputies were called to the 11000 block of Highway 32 to check the well-being.


This is a partial listing of activity investigated by the Ste. Genevieve County Sheriff's Office.  Except for arrests this report does not reflect actions initiated by our personnel, rather calls for service only.  Also, a criminal charge is merely an allegation and the defendant is, of course, presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law. Some cases are currently under investigation; any citizen with additional information is encouraged to call the Sheriff's Office with any information you may have.  Again, each and every suspect is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We appreciate all support received from the public.  Any questions about this press release should be addressed to Sheriff Gary J. Stolzer, Major Jason O. Schott, Chief Deputy or Lt. Toby Brewer at (573) 883-5820.





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